Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chocolate Mousse Cake

I made this cake without the two different kinds of chocolate using instead 400g of the 70% cocoa chocolate.
The mousse came out fairly bitter but when it is combined with the lovely sweet base it turns into a melt in your mouth sweetly rich experience. 


1 cup almond meal (ground almonds)
1 2/3 cups icing sugar, sifted
½ cup plain flour, sifted
¼ cup cocoa, sifted
½ tsp baking powder, sifted
5 egg whites
200g butter

For the mousse

400g dark chocolate, chopped
100g 70% dark chocolate, chopped
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 cups cream, whipped

Preheat the oven to 160°.
Place the almond meal, icing sugar, flour, cocoa, and baking powder in a bowl and stir to combine.
Add the egg whites and butter and stir to combine.
Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 22cm round springform cake tin.
Bake for 30-35minutes or until cake is springy to touch and comes away from the sides of the tin.
Turn out onto a wire rack to cool.

Line the tin with gladwrap and place the cooled cake back in the base of the tin. Set aside.

To make the chocolate mousse filling, place the chocolate and vanilla in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and stir until melted and smooth.
Set aside to cool slightly.
Fold the chocolate mixture through the cream until well combined.
Spoon the mousse over the cake base.
Refrigerate for two hours or until set.
Carefully remove the tin and plastic wrap to serve.

 Donna Hay magazine the 50th Issue Birthday 

1 comment:

Tups said...

I try this and havent forgotten the memory LOL