Monday, April 12, 2010

Potato and Haloumi Frittata with a Tomato Salad

Ingredients fro Potato and Haloumi Frittata

700g potatoes, peeled and chopped into wedges
5 vegetarian sausages (original recipe calls for a chorizo sausage)
olive oil
8 eggs
1 ½ cup cream
200g haloumi
200g cup caramelised onion or onion jam

Preheat oven to 200°C. Place the potato, sausage and oil in a 12cup-capacity ovenproof dish and toss to coat.
Roast for 30-45mins or until golden.

Place the eggs and cream in a bowl and whisk until well combined.
Pour over the potato and sausage and top with the haloumi and caramelised onion.

Cook for 15-20 mins or until the egg is set and the top is golden.

By Donna Hay from the Weekend Herald - Canvas

Ingredients for Tomato Salad (all to your own taste)


Fresh Basil
Balsamic Vinegar
Cracked pepper

Slice the tomatoes into thin wheels.
Roughly chop the basil
Drizzle over the vinegar then sprinkle salt, sugar and cracked pepper over the top.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YUM! I have food envy